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Welcome to the Counseling Office website! My name is Laura Zender. I am Sibley East High School's Counselor for students in grades 10-12.  

I am a graduate of Minnesota State University, Mankato, with a Master of Science in Counseling and Student Personnel: Professional School Counseling K-12 and in my 7th year at Sibley East. This program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). My coursework emphasized three areas: academic progress, post-high school planning, and personal/social/emotional/behavioral issues.  I live in St. Peter with my husband, 2 children, dog, cat, and frog. 

The goal is to meet the needs of all students, personally and academically, in an empathetic, proactive, accessible and professional manner.  While I always welcome the opportunity to meet with students, it is my intention to keep class disruptions to a minimum.  For that reasons, students are asked to make appointments to see me whenever possible, rather than asking to be excused from class time. Students can request an appointment by sending an email to or stopping into the counseling office before school, after school, or during the lunch hour.  Parents wishing to make appointments should contact me over the phone or by email. 


Contact: Laura Zender