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Personal Counseling
The school counselor offers personal counseling services to deal with situations and stressors that may develop within a student's life. Please feel free to contact me regarding any concerns you or your student may have. Some concerns include: academic support; study skills; stress management; goal setting; problem with support systems: family, friends, etc.; low self-esteem; depression; suicidal ideation; cutting/self-injury; anger management; social skills; death/grief; and conflict resolution.

At times, students and families need assistance from outside mental health resources.  A few options are listed below. 

CADA (Committee Against Domestic Abuse), 507-266-666, Crisis Line 188-477-0466
Eunoia, Gaylord, 507-299-6038
Family Facilitator Program, 507-237-4000
National Runaway Switchboard. 1-800-786-2929
Sibley County Human Services, Gaylord, 507-237-4000

Sioux Trails Mental Health Center, Gaylord,507-237-9989, 24 Hour Crisis Line 1-800-247-2809
South Central Mobile Crisis Team, 1-877-399-3040